
The Double-Edged Elephant In The Industry


I want to preface this piece by saying that this will be somewhat speculative, and there are certainly others much more qualified on the topic than I. I hope to captivate you long enough to draw attention to the elephant in modern web app development, as it relates to refueling the industry with fresh talent. With that being said, a little background on me. I’m Matt, a 37 year old I.T...

Connecting Debian / Ubuntu Virtual Machines To Ceph For Network Storage


When it comes to network accessible storage in compute stacks, there’s no shortage of use cases. Whether you’re deploying multi-homed services that share common files or you just need the increased performance offered by a network file system, Ceph is a great tool for building cost-effective, hyper-converged storage solutions. This tutorial should give you a very easy start in...

Introduction To Containerized Services


So you’ve heard about this container thing through the grapevine? You have probably heard it referenced through the use of the term Docker more so than container as many seem to misuse the term Docker to describe the concept of containers. Terminology is important because not all containers are created equally! For instance, you may have ever heard of Linux containers which are often...

Deploying a PowerDNS Resolver on Docker


Have you been avoiding the seemingly daunting task of deploying a DNS recursor A.K.A. caching server for your internal network? Stress no more because it’s actually very simple, even with a bare metal or virtual machine setup. This tutorial however will not be addressing either of those routes as I believe in pushing methods forward. This is where Docker comes in as it can really speed up...

Automatic Virtual Host Setup Using Nginx Ingress Controller On Kubernetes


A common scenario that you may face in your compute environment is the need to deploy various web applications, websites, APIs, and other such services that you will likely want to associate domain names to instead of just using IP addresses for everything. There are a plethora of different ways to achieve these types of deployments in Kubernetes, but for the sake of simplicity and automation, I...

Automatic LetsEncrypt SSL Registration for Kubernetes Using Cert-Manager


I don’t think many will argue that the status quo of security on the Internet today dictates that the use of SSL for web services is a must. This used to be quite a painful and expensive standard to maintain for many as SSL registration isn’t exactly cheap and requires ongoing maintenance of SSL certificates as they reach their expiration. Thankfully, in an effort to create a more...

Connecting Kubernetes To A Ceph Cluster Using Rook


Using Kubernetes for container orchestration is great but if you are going to scale our deployment into a multi-node cluster, you will likely find a new challenge quickly. Using local storage for your containers will quickly break the value of orchestration as your containers change nodes from time to time. This is where network based file storage systems become very valuable when used in...

Connecting Kubernetes To Your Network Using BGP


Having a Kubernetes cluster to run your network services is incredibly valuable for many organizations. However, the default configuration of a basic cluster using the Calico CNI isn’t really very ideal for simple automated deployment of services as ingress communications require some form of proxy running in the cluster. Many examples will reference uses of the Kube-Proxy component to...

Deploying Docker On Ubuntu 20.04


I’m sure you have heard a reference to containers in the midst of what is a container revolution essentially. Much like when machine virtualization really started to gain a footing, containers are off to a similar start. Given that the focus of this article is not to explain the origin or use cases for containers, I will spare a lot of detail explaining all the intricacies. I do however...

Deploying Kubernetes On Ubuntu 20.04


So you’re finally ready to take your use of containers to the next level with the premium standard of container orchestration but maybe like me, you aren’t a fan of Red Hat Enterprise Linux / openSUSE environments. No worries, there are some reasonably simple steps that will get you to a working Kubernetes cluster deployment on Ubuntu in almost no time at all. To get started, you need...


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